スマートなアンチチート: 機械学習を利用してプレイヤーの楽しみと利益を保護する Smart Anti-Cheat: Using Machine Learning to protect your fun and profit
08月22日(水) 17:50 〜 18:50


Attendees with intermediate game engine and machine learning experience.



How to use machine learning to create adaptive, accurate cheat protection. General best practices for telemetry analysis and cheat forensics.



Games are increasingly becoming long-lived services with in-game purchases. Failing to protect players from cheats and exploits in these games can easily erode player confidence and destroy a healthy player ecosystem. This talk will show how to use machine learning to detect and adapt to cheats to protect a game and its ecosystem. The presented methods provide universal, adaptive identification of cheating players with limited human supervision. The audience will learn which data to use for these methods, how to build accurate detection, use forensics to identify cheat flows, and reduce the need for trusted game clients.


Ferdinand Schober


Xbox Advanced Technology Group

Senior Software Development Engineer


フェルディナンド・ショーバーは、マイクロソフト社のXboxアドバンスト・テクノロジー・グループの上級ソフトウェア開発エンジニアです。ゲーム業界に10年以上携わっており、さまざまなプラットフォームのセキュリティーとアンチチート、ゲームサービス、ネットワーキングの分野に情熱を傾けています。フェルディナンドはXbox Oneコンソールの投入、Windows 7のマルチプレイヤープラットフォーム、Windows 10のゲームから、「Gears of War」や「Halo」のフランチャイズのセキュリティーまで、幅広いプロジェクトに携わってきました。また、クラウドベースのマルウェア検出における学術研究や、エンターテインメントセキュリティーにおける研究にも時間を費やしてきました。最近では、クラウドサービス、マルチプレイヤー、ネットワーキング、Xbox Liveエコシステムおよび以降のゲームセキュリティーに取り組んでいます。

Ferdinand Schober is a senior software development engineer in Microsoft's Xbox Advanced Technology Group. He has been in the game industry for over 10 years working on his passions in the areas of security & anti-cheat, game services, and networking across a variety platforms. Ferdinand worked on a breath of projects ranging from Xbox One console launch, the Windows 7 multiplayer platform, Windows 10 gaming, to security on the Gears of War and Halo franchises. He also spent time on academic research in cloud-based malware detection and research in entertainment security. Currently Ferdinand is focusing his work on cloud services, multiplayer, networking, and game security across the Xbox Live ecosystem and beyond.



It is easy to underestimate the impact that even small gaps in game security and cheating can have on players. Please do not make this mistake and always allocate the right resources to protect your game. I hope that my presentation will help you to be more efficient with this effort. Together we can raise the level of cheat protection!