ビデオゲーム制作における人工知能 【Artificial Intelligence in Video Game Production】

08月22日(水) 11:20 〜 12:20


【Anyone involved in video game production】



【Gain a fresh perspective on what the future involvement of Artificial Intelligence is going to be into the Creative Process of Developing Video Games and how to make sure you don't get left behind.】



【The session will break down into 3 categories all full of examples of potential applications of AI in production: 1) Artificial Intelligence in Content Creation, 2) Artificial Intelligence at Runtime, 3) Artificial Intelligence as a Creative Partner. The first 2 will introduce many examples based on Andrew's experience, current initiatives and future thoughts. The 3rd one is an exploration of the subject of collaboration between humans and AI, with focus on how do we make sure we as individuals are always aware of where the value of what we create lies. Should we be concerned about AI replacing human Jobs? Should be instead think about where is the true value in what we create? How can we continue extending worlds, variety, graphic quality, details without refocusing drastically on the core value? How can we move toward being closer to the consumers/players and address the demand and speed of delivery better? How AI can assist us? Andrew will go over these wide topics and provide concrete examples based on his immense experience and his current work. Can AI inspire us? Andrew will provide some exciting examples for this as well.】


アンドリュー ・マキシモフ/Andrew Maximov

Promethean AI

CEO, Founder


ロサンゼルスに拠点を構え、仮想世界を構築する人工知能を制作する企業であるPromethean AIの創設者兼CEO。ゲーム業界のベテランでNaughty Dogにテクニカルアートディレクターとして在籍していたアンドリューは、世に出ている最も困難を極めたゲームにエネルギーを吹き込む仕事の先頭に立ってきました。Develop誌(ビデオゲームの業界誌)とForbes誌(ビジネス誌)の「30歳以下の優れた30人」の一人に選出され、アーティスト、プログラマー、コンサルタント、起業家として、世界中で開かれるコンピューター・グラフィックスのイベントで講演するアンドリューは、ここ何年、創作プロセスを普及し、一人ひとりのクリエイティビティと表現力を強化する活動をおこなっています。

【Founder and CEO of Promethean AI - a Los Angeles based company that builds Artificial Intelligence that builds Virtual Worlds. Game Industry Veteran, Technical Art Director, a former Naughty Dog, Andrew spearheaded cutting edge pipelines that powered some of the most challenging game productions out there. Develop and Forbes magazine's 30 under 30, artist, programmer, consultant, entrepreneur and speaker at Computer Graphics events all across the globe, Andrew for years has campaigned for democratizing the creative process and empowering creativity and expression within every single person.】