受講スキル | Graphics Programmers, Lead Programmers, Technical Directors |
受講者が得られる | The attendee will get an overview of Clustered Shading and an understanding of its pros and cons versus the prior state of the art in direct lighting. |
Clustered Shading is a technique for rendering direct lighting, offering compelling advantages over prior techniques, such as Tiled Deferred Shading and Forward+. Unlike Tiled Deferred Shading, Clustered Shading imposes no restriction or hassle for custom materials, custom lighting models or multi-sample anti-aliasing. Unlike Forward+, it requires no Pre-Z pass. Whereas Forward+ requires a separate pass for transparency, and Deferred Shading (tiled or not) requires a completely separate lighting solution for transparent materials, Clustered Shading trivially supports transparency with full lighting at no extra cost or additional hassle. In addition to its flexibility versus the alternatives, Clustered Shading also typically perform similarly or better than prior techniques. In particular, it exhibits better worst-case performance and is insensitive to depth discontinuities. This talk will describe the technique in detail and discuss how it has been implemented in the Avalanche Engine.
Emil Persson
Avalanche Studios
Technical R&D
Head of Research
Emil Persson is the Head of Research at Avalanche Studios, where he is conducting forward-looking research, with the aim to be relevant and practical for game development, as well as setting the future direction for the Avalanche Engine. Previously, Emil was an ISV Engineer in the Developer Relations team at ATI/AMD, where he assisted tier-1 game developers with the latest rendering techniques and optimizations. He also did R&D and major contributions to the SDK samples.
Emil Persson氏は、アバランシェスタジオの研究部門のヘッドとして、アバランシェエンジンをどう成長させていくかなど、ゲーム開発に適切かつ実践的な研究の指導を行っています。それ以前は、EmilはATI/AMD社でDeveloper Relations部門のISVエンジニアを務め、tier-1のゲーム開発企業に対してレンダリングや最適化の支援を行う一方で、研究にも携わり、さまざまなSDKサンプルの開発を行いました。