Formats of CEDEC sessions

Regular Session (60mins)

Regular lecture sessions provided by speakers

Short Lecture (25mins)

Shorter lecture sessions than a regular session.
When and if applicable, two lectures with similar themes may be put into one time slot.
Combinations of sessions will be carefully considered and adjusted by the steering committee.

Panel Discussion (60mins)

In the panel discussion, selected panels will have a facilitated discussion on a given topic in front of the audience.
Where appropriate, the session becomes open to the audience for dynamic exchanges of opinions and Q&A.

Round-table Discussion (60mins)

Participants sit at the table along with a presenter of a topic and will have discussions as equal participants.

Interactive Session

Interactive sessions including display of presentation materials and demonstrations will be held at designated exhibition areas in the venue. This will be a great opportunity for in-depth communication with visitors, which may be limited at lecture-type sessions, and present hands-on experience of technologies.

<Examples of effective topics for the Interactive Session>

  • Technologies that visitors could experience and understand the effect they bring about at first hand
  • Physical demonstrations of technological application where seeing the moving object or hearing its sound will promote understanding of the technology
  • Application of input/ output interfaces
  • Presentation of proprietary applications
  • Display of posters depicting areas of specialty and face-to-face discussions with visitors

We are also inviting participants in other formats of sessions as described below:
(The length of time slots and execution methods will be discussed separately considering the content of the application)


Participatory sessions where a facilitator helps participants learn through experience in a provided work environment.


Participants' works created under a given topic within an allocated timeframe will be reviewed and/or evaluated in a competition.